Paxos Festival 2023


10 August-10 September 2023 

Old School, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details




Contemporary Artists Pay Hommage to Trees





Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Old School Yard, Loggos, Paxos 

Click on the image for details

Violin and Piano Recital

Four French Sonatas for Violin and Piano

Jason Keramidis (violin)

Apostolos Palios (piano)

Thursday, 31 August 2023

Old School Yard, Loggos, Paxos 

Click on the image for details

Competing to steal: How Anglo-French rivalry denuded the Parthenon and ancient Greece

A slide lecture in English by renowned author: 

Bruce Clark

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Old School yard, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details

Songs and Dances of the Villages of Lefkimmi

Kritika, Paleohori, Neohori, Dragontina, Spartera

Kostas Petridis: Lute, voice

Christos Zahos: Lute, mandolin, voice

Kostas Kostoulas: Violin

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Old School yard, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details

Guitar recital by renowned soloist

Michalis Kontaxakis

From 14 July to 8 August 2023 

Old School, Loggos, Paxos

Ann MacBride
Ann MacBride

Click on the image for details

Irish Wings 2023

Six Irish Ceramicists in Paxos      

Sunday, 23 July 2023 

Old School Yard, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details

 "We are dancing over here..."

 Seven original choreographies by Danae Vellianiti and one Dance Duos  

 Thursday, 20 July 2023

Loggos School Yard, Paxos, Greece

Click on the image for details


The World Acoustic Duo




Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Old School Yard, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details


Seamus Heaney and Greece

Sonnets from Hellas Other Poems

Read by Catherine Heaney

with music by Hellas Ensemble and Elias Dendias 

Sunday, 9 July 2023

Old School Yard, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details

Austrian – Greek Summer Musical Events 2023 present on Paxos 

A Classical Guitar Concert

with soloist Florian Palier

From 27 June to 9 July 2023 

Old School, Loggos, Paxos

Click on the image for details

Catalan Ceramic Art in Paxos